Masala Magazine Thailand



by Nikki Kumar

Darshan Mehta explores these world-changing insights.

By: Darshan Mehta

Recent technology history is full of ‘Aha!’ moments – sudden insights that have led to groundbreaking innovations and transformed our world. From the creation of the World Wide Web to the rise of cloud computing, these moments have reshaped industries, economies, and everyday life. This article highlights key ‘Aha!’ moments in technology and their profound impact.

The Creation of the World Wide Web

In 1989, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, frustrated by the challenges of sharing data at CERN, proposed a system that would allow global information sharing. His idea led to the development of the World Wide Web, launched publicly in 1991. This ‘Aha!’ moment revolutionised how we access and share information, turning the internet into a vast, accessible repository of knowledge. The Web became the foundation of the digital age, driving the growth of e-commerce, social media, and countless other industries. Its impact on global communication and business is immeasurable.

The Birth of Google

In 1996, Stanford University PhD students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin realised that ranking search results by the number of links to a page would yield more relevant results than the existing methods. This insight led to the creation of Google, which used the PageRank algorithm to revolutionise search engines. Google quickly became the dominant search engine, setting the standard for how information is organised and accessed online. It has since expanded into a vast array of services, becoming one of the most influential technology companies globally, and shaping the internet and digital economy.

Steve Jobs and the Creation of the iPhone

In 2007, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, envisioning a device that combined a phone, music player, and internet communicator into one easy-to- use gadget. This was a revolutionary concept at a time when phones were primarily used for calls and texts. The iPhone’s debut marked the start of the smartphone era, fundamentally changing how people communicate, work, and entertain themselves. The success of the iPhone led to the development of a vast app ecosystem, creating new digital economies and influencing social and cultural trends worldwide.

The Rise of Cloud Computing

In the early 2000s, companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft realised they could offer computing power and storage on demand by leveraging their vast resources. This insight led to the development of cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS),Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Cloud computing revolutionised the IT industry by providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for businesses of all sizes. It enabled the rise of startups, empowered remote work, and drove innovation in artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT). This shift in how we think about computing resources has had a profound impact on the global economy.


These ‘Aha!’ moments in technology history have driven some of the most significant innovations of the modern era. Each moment not only solved an existing problem but also opened new possibilities, reshaping the way we live, work, and interact. These examples highlight the power of human ingenuity and the potential for technology to drive progress and change. Keep pursuing ‘Aha!’ moments – they could change the world!

Darshan Mehta is the founder and CEO of Carmina,
a Latin cuisine restaurant in Bangkok, and the host of
the “Getting to Aha” podcast. He also the founder
of iResearch, an online insights platform that enables
companies to quickly, easily, and affordably extract
insights from consumers or employees worldwide. He
can be reached at

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